Writing support Sessions

A writing support session is a one-on-one video/phone call to work through any thorny issues you’ve run into during the writing process. We might use a session to brainstorm an outline, talk through a particularly complex part of your argument, or develop a strategy for implementing revisions.

Writing support sessions are designed to help you make sense of the challenges you’re facing and create a plan to address them.

After our meeting, I’ll send you a brief (max. 2-page) summary of our discussion and strategy.

Structured writing plans

Writing can be overwhelming. Figuring out where to start isn’t always easy, and knowing that someone else will eventually read your draft can be so intimidating that you struggle to work on it.

A structured writing plan tackles these obstacles by breaking down your project into manageable parts and arranging those parts into a methodical and realistic plan. It provides scaffolding to get your writing started and compassionate accountability to help you see it through.

Structured writing plans are flexible and can be tailored to your project. They’re often based on two core components:

  • A project breakdown (designed for you to complete as a series of manageable tasks)

  • A project schedule (designed to help you get those tasks done without burning out)

I’m very happy to answer questions or provide a free consultation to discuss your project and what kind of support might be helpful.  

Interested in writing support services? Please get in touch.