Frequently Asked Questions

How much do editing and writing support services cost?

Costs vary widely depending on the project size and amount of editing/writing support required. I offer a free initial consultation to discuss the details of how we might work together, including our schedule and budget. Please contact me to book a consultation.

I also offer a no-questions-asked reduced rate for clients who are unable to pay the full rate. Please let me know if you would like to opt into the reduced rate.

What kind of turnaround can I expect? 

Shorter projects (e.g., articles, book chapters) usually take ~10 days. Full book manuscripts usually take a month.

Which areas/disciplines do you work in?

I work in the social sciences and humanities and have experience in a wide range of disciplines, including anthropology, communication studies, critical health studies, critical legal studies, critical race studies, disability studies, film studies, history, information studies and library science, labour studies, media studies, political science, science and technology studies, sociology, urban studies, and gender and sexuality studies. I'm very familiar with and enjoy the challenge of interdisciplinary projects.

What kinds of manuscripts do you work on?

I regularly work on articles, books, book proposals, conference papers, dissertations, grant proposals, and tenure package materials. If you're working on something not included in this list, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm usually able to adapt my services to meet clients' needs.

Do you offer editing and writing support for non-academic authors?

Most of my clients write academic materials, but I occasionally work on manuscripts for non-academic audiences. I'm always happy to discuss my services, so don't hesitate to contact me even if your project is outside my usual area.

Do you work with graduate students?

Yes. I follow Editors Canada's guidelines for editing student texts, which means students must obtain their supervisor's approval before we begin working together.

How can I book a free consultation to discuss working with you?

Please use my contact form to send me your details and information about your project. I'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.