developmental editing

Developmental editing addresses structure, organization, and argument. It can help with:

  • Focus (Is your narrative clear and compelling? Have you given your reader everything they need to follow along?)

  • Scope (Is your argument a manageable size? Is it actually multiple arguments?)

  • Logic (What does your reader need to know about A before you can move on to B?)

As a developmental editor, I help you see the big picture: I make suggestions about what should stay, what could go, what might be added, and how to use structure to guide your reader through your writing.

Developmental editing can be performed on a complete or nearly complete draft, but at the early stages it can also involve working on an outline. It’s a great tool for shaping and giving coherence to projects as they progress. It can also provide a helpful lens for returning to old drafts that just aren’t working and figuring out why that’s the case.

stylistic editing

Stylistic editing improves your writing to make your argument shine. It can help with:

  • Clarity and readability (Can your reader follow each sentence?)

  • Flow and cohesion (Does your writing lead your reader through your ideas?)

  • Conciseness (How can we meet your required word or page limit?)

As a stylistic editor, I help you help your reader: I suggest practical changes to make your writing understandable, persuasive, and easy to follow.

Stylistic editing is usually undertaken on a completed draft for which you’ve already established a clear and logical structure. It involves revising sentences and paragraphs to ensure cohesion and clarity.

Interested in editing services? Please get in touch.